Elmera Azadpour

Howdy! I am a Data Scientist/Data Visualization Specialist with United States Geological Survey (USGS) in the Water Mission Area (WMA). My work involves contributing to individual projects by applying reproducible workflows and data visualization techniques to capture and communicate complex data-intensive concepts to non-technical audiences using a variety of media (such as print, web, research products).

I obtained a Masters of Environmental Science and Management degree from the Bren School at UC, Santa Barbara. During my Masters, I worked as an Arnhold Graduate Fellow utilizing remote sensing and projected land use data sets to track changes in land use relating to agricultural abandonment in the U.S. I obtained a Honors Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology from the University of Utah. My thesis examined the effects of inorganic vs organic fertilizer on an urban lawn in Salt Lake City, Utah. During undergrad, I also completed two internships at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab where I conducted research analyzing the effects of rainfall gradients on future gross primary productivity across the Isthmus of Panama.

Broadly, my interests include climate-ecosystem interactions, urban ecology, terrestrial land surface modeling, ecohydrology, global carbon cycling and geophysical science. I am also passionate about environmental/climate justice, BIPOC representation in STEM, and creating open & reproducible data products. Check out some of my recent projects: U.S. River Conditions Animation, U.S Streamflow Conditions, and a recent blog post Jazz up your ggplots!